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The Kindergarten Day

Working within a strong and regular rhythm promotes a sense of security and self-confidence. The rhythm of the day, the term and the seasons gives form and structure so that the young child knows what to expect.

Our Daily Rhythm

Arrival time ~ 9:00 am

The children are welcome  to join in the morning activity or to help with the daily preparation of lunch, and then join their friends in free, creative play. During this time a small snack is provided.

Circle Time

We join hands and have circle time where we move together to sing songs, have stories and games, all learned through imitation. Finger games and counting rhymes continue whilst the children take turns to go to the toilet and wash their hands with the assistant.

Snack Time

We sit at the table to enjoy a healthy snack that the children have helped to prepare. We use organic ingredients whenever possible. During this time there is an opportunity for the children to share their news and listen to each other.

Garden Time

After circle we get ready to play in the garden spending an hour outside, whatever the weather. We have a mud kitchen, a play house, a sandpit, there is a raised bed to tend to and plenty of space for the children to explore.

Story Time

We finish the morning with story time. The teacher knows the story  by heart  and it  is repeated daily for the course of the week so that the children can begin to truly understand it. Stories are chosen carefully around the seasons and carry themes that will support the children’s social and emotional understanding. On special weeks puppet plays will be performed for the children with the eldest children taking part in helping.

Home Time ~ 1:00 pm

At 1:00 we will then say our goodbyes to those children not staying for the afternoon.

Afternoon, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Lunch Time

Children staying for the afternoon will have a home cooked vegetarian meal. We use organic ingredients whenever possible.


Rest Time

The children will have a short rest time with books while the teacher quietly plays the lyre.

Free Play

Children lead imaginative play inside or outside. Drawing and crafts are also provided.

Home Time

At 3:00 we will sing our goodbyes and all go home.


Our weekly Rhythm

The Lindens day fits within our larger weekly rhythm;









Bread baking

Modelling/seasonal craft

Soup making

Modelling/seasonal craft


Sweet rice




Bread/spread, honey


Vegetable soup/rice cakes

Apple crumble


Pasta with tomato sauce and cheese

Rice and toasted seeds with soya sauce, vegetable sticks


Vegetable soup with coconut milk and rice cakes


Wraps, hummus and vegetable sticks.


Carrots sticks and fruit are served with every meal.

Drinks available: Rosehip tea, water

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